Association Jean Seignalet

Doctor Jean Seignalet

jean-seignaletbdClinician, clinical pathologist, lecturer and researcher, Dr. Jean Seignalet has been interested in nutrition since 1985, when he developed his diet. The many patients who acted as volunteers, his multiple medical skills and his “global” concept of the human body helped him to identify the mechanisms that cause many chronic diseases of unknown origin.

In many subjects, one of the main causes of all these diseases remains the unnatural modern diet to which they have not adapted. A distinguished physician recognised by his peers for his research work particularly in immunology and rheumatology, Jean Seignalet has already published many articles in leading journals and he is the author of a book specialising in immunology which is acknowledged as a work of high quality by the whole profession. On the other hand, however, the specialist press reject his articles on nutrition and he published the first compilation of his results and hypotheses in the journal “L’alimentation ou la troisième médecine" [Diet or the third medicine] in 1996. Up to his death in 2003, he published 5 other editions of this work which were extended and revised. 


Dr. Seignalet completed his early medical training in the Montpellier Hospitals, where he became a lecturer in the Faculty of Medicine and a consultant. He pioneered kidney transplantation and was also a qualified and competent gastroenterologist and haematologist.

A leading expert in immunology, for more than 30 years he was the director of the histocompatibility laboratory in Montpellier, which was responsible for selecting organ and tissue donors and recipients.

He has written a book intended for specialists: "The HLA system and rheumatology" (1986 Masson) with a preface by Professor Jean Dausset, winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine. The latter noted the scientific rigour of Jean Seignalet’s work in his conclusion to the preface:

"Jean Seignalet’s book has come at just the right time and meets a clear need. It is well presented and beautifully illustrated and the magnitude of its documentation, starting from general immunology and finishing with specifically rheumatic diseases, and its clear presentation of a subject often considered difficult will render a real service to eminent clinicians and clinical pathologists. The bibliography is as comprehensive as possible despite the problems involved in bringing together the very sparse publications in this field."

In 1985, his research was focussed on nutrition. His conviction that nutrition played an extremely important role in many diseases led him to research touching on most areas of medicine as well as biology: rheumatology, gastro-enterology, endocrinology, neurology, psychiatry, dermatology, ophthalmology, pneumology, cancerology, alimentology and immunology, genetics, anthropology, bacteriology and the biology of ageing and physiology.

Totally up to date with scientific research (he always devoted 8 hours a week to this), Dr. Jean Seignalet developed a global vision of medicine on a sound scientific basis. He set out to explain the mechanism underlying the diseases he encountered in an increasingly diverse range of patients. How and why can diet be a causative factor in chronic disease? His method achieves very good results: more than 91 diseases out of the 115 observed responded favourably to the diet. They can be divided into 3 categories: autoimmune diseases and then what he described as clogging diseases and elimination diseases.

Out of the 2500 patients he followed up, 2250 achieved marked improvement by practising his nutritional method which represents an undeniable therapeutic success and confirms that a large part of his scientific reasoning based on the hyperpermeability of the intestine was sound.

The efficacy of his diet is the best advocate of his innovative and revolutionary scientific theories developed with the help of his patient volunteers whom he treated free of charge, as well as his high number of lectures as testified by the internet.

Dr. Jean Seignalet’s biography

Dr. Jean Seignalet was the author of more than 230 publications, 78 of which were published in peer-reviewed English- or French-language medical journals. These are listed below with the number of articles that appeared in each journal given in brackets:

- Presse Med. (15 articles) - Dermatologica (1) 
- Tissue Antigens (8) - Arch. Franç. Pediatr (1) 
- Sem Hôp. Paris (7) - Clin. Allergy (1) 
- Rev. Rhum. (6) - Encycl. Med. Chir. (1) 
- Néphrologie (6) - Artbritis Rhenm. (1) 
- Nouv. Rev. Fr. Hemat.(5) - Rev. Med. Interne (1) 
- Transplantation (3) - Sleep (1) 
- Rev. Franç. Transf. (3) - Ann. Dermatol. Vénal (1) 
- J. Gynecol. Obstet. Bio. Reprod (1) - J. Genet. Hum. (3) 
- Transplant. Proc. (2) - Rev.Europ.Etud.Clin.Biol.(2) 
- Pan. Biol. (2) - Vox Sang. (1) 
- Human Hered. (1) - N. Engl. J. Med. (1) 
- Lancet (3) including the Lancet series on nutrition. 
- Immunogentics (1)


Dr. Seignalet’s earlier books on the subject of HLA which forms the basis for his work on nutrition have met with acclaim from the medical profession. 

"Le complexe génétique HLA a l'usage de l'immunologue, du généticien et du médecin" [The HLA gene complex for the immunologist, geneticist and physician] Collection Marcel Merieux. 1983.
"I cannot overlook the valuable contribution made by Jean Seignalet to the study of the relationship between human diseases and the HLA system. He was one of the first to show positive associations between HLA antigens and psoriasis. This research was then extended to other rheumatic diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and Horton disease) and haematological diseases (Biermer’s anaemia). His contribution to our knowledge of the HLA system does not consist of book learning alone, it is based on practical knowledge of this system gained in the laboratory and on consistent collaboration with clinicians and his colleagues engaged in kidney transplantation. Jean Seignalet has closely followed the amazing adventure of HLA; his book helps us to relive this story which goes beyond fiction". Preface by Dr. Betuel.


“Le Groupe H.L.A. En Rhumatologie” [H.L.A. Grouping. In Rheumatology], (Masson), Paris, 1986 - ISBN: 2225808694 - EAN: 9782225808692 
"Jean Seignalet’s book has come at just the right time and meets a clear need. It is well presented and beautifully illustrated and the magnitude of its documentation, starting from general immunology and finishing with specifically rheumatic diseases, and its clear presentation of a subject often considered difficult will render a real service to eminent clinicians and clinical pathologists. The bibliography is as comprehensive as possible despite the problems involved in bringing together the very sparse publications in this field. All that remains is to wish this useful high-quality book good luck”. Preface by Jean Dausset, winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine. 
“L'Alimentation Ou La Troisième Médecine” [Nutrition or the Third Medicine], (editions Rocher) (1st edition 1996 - 5th edition 2004 republished and expanded in 2012). 660 pages. 
"This book that we could have called “Alimentation, première medicine” [Nutrition, the first medicine] is a gold mine for 3 reasons. Our ministers of health should read it to make significant savings in their budgets which are exploding on all sides. The Seignalet method, which is explained clearly, consists of a change in eating habits. These dietary changes have rapid effects on health, reducing the intestinal permeability or porosity that allows toxic compounds to pass through and maintain an inflammatory state in many organs depending on their individual susceptibility. The method avoids difficult and frequently life-long treatments in a number of autoimmune diseases. It plays a major role in preventing the diseases of civilisation. This book is the “sum of ecological medicine” and satisfies the most recent concepts that demonstrate the interrelated nature of our body.” Preface by Professor Henri Joyeux.


The Book

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® Association Jean Seignalet